
Check out this fantastic review of Electricity, a great result for the many Fox Casting artists who worked so hard on this brilliant film.


Steve Bradley – Poker player  – featured artist
Callum Coates  role of Simon youngest actor in the film age 7

David Anga

Liz Reid
Bill and Isabelle Whitenstall
Naithen Calderwood
 Micheal McNally
Micheal Addison
Craig Reed
Richard Mbonipa
Patrick Nyamush
Joseph Lawton
Athif Sharif
Ernie and Brenda Wood
Mark Lambert
Betty Elliott
Nassy Koman
Carl Wilkinson
Ben Lukanda
Camilla Morris-Dowling
Marie Michelle A Tambi
Brian Lansley
Emily Strong
L Frost
M Campbell
Donna Peat
Hannah Thompson
Abi Walker
Annie Cooke
Danny Shanahan
Maurenne Marsden
Lizzie Holland
Selam Mohammed
Cheryl Pallister-Bosomworth
Danille Amers
Louise Hogg
Tara Shresta
Ali Mosavi
Chris Davidson
Thanks to Miss Hall’s class year 3 at Cragside School
Thanks to Geoff Dunlavey Management